I can remember dressing up like my favorite fantasy girl in the world when I was about 6 years old. She was graceful, beautiful, and tiny like me! Her name was Thumbelina, she was no bigger than a thimble. Her hair was long and red, she looked like a small princess, but she didn’t know who she was. She was never mean to anyone, whether they were a flee or a toad, it didn’t matter to her. The way she acted towards others made me want to be like her, the way she made people her friend, and never judge anybody. That was such a big part in my child hood that made who I am today. Granted nobody can be kind like Thumbelina, but better to try than never try at all.
Even though Thumbalina was a small, breakable girl, she never doubted herself in what she could do. Even thouge I may not be as tiny as her, I still made myself think like she had. She went on a huge journey to find who she was and went into it with some fear but still confident. Well, life is my journey, its scary at times and there are and will be times where I’m going to feel the smallest person out there and no one will notice me, but o matter what things are going to be the way they are and I have to go with it. She never knew what was going to happen to her next but she saw it as an adventure… I’m treating life as my adventure and I’m looking forward to what my adventure has in store for me.
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